It happened so minute I'm thinking about how I can start something that will help police officers and the next a cause is dropped right into my lap. You can read the whole story
here but the gyst of it is that last year a police officer tried to break up a fight and the men turned on him. He was injured to the point that he can never be a cop again, let alone hold down any job. Since he is no longer working his medical benefits are running out and to maintain his same level of coverage it is going to cost him roughly $1300/month, which is impossible to maintain on a disability income. I consider myself fairly conservative, and also against government run healthcare, so I think it surprised Officer Hottie that I felt so strongly that this officer should continue to get medical coverage. I guess when I think about this situation, it bothers me that this officer did what he was supposed to do and because of that he no longer qualifies for medical benefits. I thought of all the reasons he could have avoided being injured and what the repercussions would have been. If he wouldn't have tried to break up the fight, someone else probably would have died or been permanently disabled and then he would have lost his job for "failure to act" or been sued or something ridiculous like that. But because he did what he was supposed to do, because he tried to do what was right, his life has been forever altered and he is not being taken care of. It is impossible for me to not put myself in his wife's shoes. How would we take care of our kids? How would I take care of my husband? If he were disabled, and I had to go back to work for income and medical insurance, who would take care of our children?
So here I am, totally desperate to help this family and in way over my head. I have no idea what I'm going to do, and I'm afraid that by the time I've got it figured out, it will be too late to help them. My prayer is that I can get a few people who know what they are doing to come alongside me; thanks to Facebook I've already had a few people offer. I prayed all night that the Lord would open doors for me if this is the direction he is taking me in and if it is Him leading me to get this thing started. I know if this is what He wants we'll be able to come up with something in enough time to help them so I just have trust that. Hopefully by the next time I post I'll have made a little progress...we shall see!!